Meet Victoria
Victoria Inman lives with her husband and two daughters in Marietta, Georgia. In addition to being a photographer and author, she is a Client Success Director with Jabian Consulting, a strategy and management consulting firm based in Atlanta, Georgia. Photography is her creative outlet, and she has been practicing the art since being introduced to it in a high school photography class. For more than decade she has been offering wedding, event, newborn, and portrait photography services. While it brings her great pleasure to capture these most important and meaningful events, being involved with this Spark Acceptance book project has been the most rewarding experience in her photography career.

Meet David
David Carr was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, where he still resides. He is the father of two boys. As the drummer of four-time Grammy winning rock band, Third Day, David had the privilege of traveling the world for 25 years. It is a career that took him to a variety of uniquely wonderful places and gave him the opportunity to meet a number of truly fascinating people. He is now a portrait and headshot photographer by day, as well as a travel photography instructor with McKay Photography Academy. As much as he enjoys photographing stunning landscapes and wildlife however, his favorite subject has always been people. For David, the opportunity to capture the beautiful faces found within this book was an absolute honor.